Direct Mail continues to play a starring role, even as online giving rises

by Ryan Garnett on November 10th, 2015

One of my favourite questions to ask when presenting at conferences is ‘What percentage of retail sales come from e-commerce (online purchases)?’ The guesses are usually pretty high – 30%, 50%, 70%. I’ve even heard some people say 90%. The correct answer is 7.2% (yes, … Continue reading Direct Mail continues to play a starring role, even as online giving rises

Five Steps for Building a Monthly Giving Program

by Harvey McKinnon on August 26th, 2015

By building a monthly giving program, organizations can ensure a steady cash flow and deepen relationships with existing donors. Here’s a few important steps to help you build your monthly giving program: 1. Organize a backend system for payment processing We recommend organizations collect donations … Continue reading Five Steps for Building a Monthly Giving Program

You say we’re uniquely Canadian, eh?

by Ryan Garnett on June 26th, 2015

Canadians are known for many things. Maple syrup. Hockey. Saying sorry all too often. And of course, Justin Bieber (We really are sorry about that one…) But Canadians are also unique for our giving habits. Some of the ways that we give are quite different … Continue reading You say we’re uniquely Canadian, eh?

If It Ain’t Broke Don’t Fix it

by Ryan Garnett on June 12th, 2015

If you were to pull out a direct mail pack from any time prior to 2010 what are some things that you notice? The pack likely is very basic in its design, possibly including a short teaser, “Your gift enclosed”, “Renew your support today” or … Continue reading If It Ain’t Broke Don’t Fix it

Building Your Donor Journey

by Ryan Garnett on May 7th, 2015

How often do you think about your donor journey? Whether it’s online or offline, thinking about, and building a great donor journey is key to your success. A great donor journey ensures that your donors don’t get lost along the way. You need to lead … Continue reading Building Your Donor Journey

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