Top Tips – COVID-19 Edition: Legacy Fundraising in the time of COVID-19

by Lynne Boardman on May 29th, 2020

“Should we or shouldn’t we?” 

One of the big questions fundraisers are asking right now is around legacies. Is now really the right time to ask?

The short answer is “yes”. Fundraising in the COVID-era can bring up some difficult questions, and this is one we’ve been seeing quite often. Legacy fundraising can feel tricky in the best of times – how are fundraisers to navigate this sensitive subject with grace during these unprecedented times? 

That is the issue at the heart of our recent release Top Tips – COVID-19 Edition: Legacy Fundraising in the time of COVID-19.

David Kravinchuck and I have complied a list of tips and suggestions that should ease the mind of any fundraiser trying to decide how to best approach these asks. You can read those tips below, or download a sharable pdf by clicking here.

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